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резултати, Банка Поштанска штедионица Суперлига, Прва лига и Куп Србије


Сезона 2019-20.

Шампион (м): Војводина НС семе

Шампион (ж): ТЕНТ

Куп Србије (м): Војводина НС семе

Куп Србије (ж): Уб

Суперкуп (м): Војводина НС семе

Суперкуп (ж): Железничар Лајковац


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The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

Heading style 2

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

Heading style 3

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

Heading style 4

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

Heading style 5

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

Heading style 6

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world.

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world.

Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all! That is a viewpoint we're following since our founding day, on July 4th, 2001 and that we proudly carry on.

The Sportevents is a fully digital sports news source. Yet we have a big, dedicated team of professional sports writers, who attend the biggest live sports events in US and around the world. Their unique reporting as well as our office-based analytics for sports breaking news make "Sportevents" an ultimate destination of all!

We are always happy to greet the new visitors on our site. Our blog and social media accounts are available to encourage communication and connection between clients and personnel and tell you more about us in the informal environments where we can have a dialogue instead of just a narrative like that.

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Site navigation is extremely intuitive and user-friendly. You will always know where you are now and will be able to skip from one page to another with a single mouse click. We use only trusted, verified content, so you can believe every word we are saying. We are always happy to greet the new visitors on our site.

Сезона 2018-19.

Шампион (м): Војводина НС семе

Шампион (ж): Железничар Лајковац

Куп Србије (м): Црвена звезда

Куп Србије (ж): Железничар Лајковац

Суперкуп (м): Нови Пазар

Суперкуп (ж): Визура Рума

Сезона 2020-21.

Шампион (м): Војводина НС семе

Шампион (ж): Уб

Куп Србије (м): Рибница

Куп Србије (ж): Железничар Лајковац

Суперкуп (м): Војводина НС семе

Суперкуп (ж): Уб

Сезона 2017-18.

Шампион (м): Војводина НС семе

Шампион (ж): Визура

Куп Србије (м): Нови Пазар

Куп Србије (ж): Железничар Лајковац

Суперкуп (м): Нови Пазар

Суперкуп (ж): Визура

Odbojkica prodavnica enter400

Одбојкаши Партизана Коптех и Јединства из Старе Пазове стигли су до победа у 12. колу Банка Поштанска штедионица Суперлиге. Црно-бели су вечерас, на свом терену, надиграли Рибницу, док је Јединство било боље од Младог радника.

Преокрети Партизана и Јединства

Одбојкашице Срема, Уба и ужичког Јединства оствариле су победе у 12. колу Банка Поштанска штедионица Суперлиге. Сремице су, код куће, надиграле пазовачко Јединство, Уб је био бољи од Радничког Бластерс на свом терену, док је Јединство у Ужицу поразило Инђију.

Дерби Срема по мери Митровчанки, Убљанке и Ужичанке убедљиве!

Одбојкаши Радничког доо и Дубочице забележили су тријумфе у 12. колу Банка Поштанска штедионица Суперлиге. Крагујевчани су, на свом терену, били бољи од Спартака, док је Дубочица, у Лесковцу, поразила Ниш.

Раднички и Дубочица максимални

„Све звезде Лиге” су спремне да засијају. Као што је већ познато, наредног петка, 27. децембра, у хали ”Александар Николић”, одиграће се први историјски Ол-стар меч, у којем ће учествовати најбоље што Банка Поштанска штедионица Суперлига има по избору тренера и љубитеља одбојке.

Север или Југ, питање је сад: Познати учесници историјског Ол-стар меча!

„Све звезде Лиге” су спремне да засијају. Као што је већ познато, наредног петка, 27. децембра, у хали ”Александар Николић”, одиграће се први, историјски Ол-стар меч, у којем ће учествовати најбоље што Банка Поштанска штедионица Суперлига има по избору тренера и љубитеља одбојке.

Суд тренера и публике: Познате учеснице историјског Ол-стар меча!